May 29, 2012

Waiting On Wednesday (144)

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Poison by Bridget Zinn

A teen girl finds herself a would-be assassin, hunting down her former best friend, the princess of the realm, via the aid of an enchanted piglet.

Extremely random, the pig thing. BUT, after reading this year's Grave Mercy and Throne of Glass, you had me at "assassin"!!! Can't wait. 

Release Date: March 12, 2013

Goodreads / No Amazon yet


  1. Female assassin?! I'm in! And yes, very random, the enchanted piglet.

    Melissa @

  2. Poison definitely looks amazing! I can't wait to see how the enchanted piglet plays into the story! Amazing cover, too!

  3. I want an enchanted piglet :)

    I have noticed a trend in assassin books lately. I'll have to add this to my TBR list.

  4. Ohh enchanted piglet. Intriguing! Haha. I'm definitely adding this one to by TBR. Great pick! :)

    Pam @ jelly loves books

  5. You had me at piglet and assassin :))) Love the cover as well Definitely adding this to my wishlist :)

  6. An enchanted piglet!!? How cute! This sounds great. :)

  7. I've never heard of this before but it sounds really awesome. Thanks for sharing! ;D

    My WoW

  8. Wow, almost a year to wait. But you're right it does sounds and looks amazing. Great pick!

    Liza’s WoW

  9. What is up with the piglet? That's a random addition but speaks to a certain level of quirkiness that might be in the book.

  10. Drooling so much over this one, possibly BECAUSE of the pig. :D

    My WoW

  11. This one sounds really interesting, thanks for sharing

    My WoW

  12. I was sold! Seriously, I want this really badly. I like the cover too. Although it does remind me a bit of Snow White and the Huntsman doesn't it? Lol. Great pick! :D

    Drop by my WoW?

  13. A nice cover and pick, enjoy!

  14. I almost chose this one too! I love the cover and the pig, haha.

  15. Ooh, I hadn't seen the cover for this one!

    I don't much like pigs, but I totally agree that 'you had me at assassin.'

  16. Oooh! I hadn't heard of this one, but it definitely going on my TBR! Thanks for sharing!

    Check out my WoW!

  17. Oh wow yes I agree with Fara! It really reminds me of Snow White and the Huntsman movie poster :)

    Happy Wednesday!

    The Muggle
    Giveaways and Kindle Deals

  18. I just saw Poison on someone else's WoW, and I'm definitely intrigued. The piglet thing reminds me of a really old fantasy book I read, so I'm not too worried.

  19. An enchanted piglet?! Color me intrigued! Haha. I will definitely be adding this to my GoodReads :-) Thanks for the heads-up. Great pick!

    My WoW:

  20. HAHA I had to read the last bit a few times I thought for sure my eyes were playing tricks on me. It sounds super unique and I'm always up for some kick ass chick assassins! Great pick!

    My WoW.

  21. I have yet to read Grave Mercy or Throne of Glass, and those are both high on my TBR list {I just need to get my poor hands on a copy of each}. I think now I just added another ;-). Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my WoW.

  22. This sounds really good! I love assasins so, yeah, I would love to read this!

    Great pick! =D

  23. Haha, the pig thing does sound very bizarre but I definitely like the idea of another assassin story! It seems quite interesting indeed!

    Thanks for sharing :-)

    Here's my WoW


  24. I love the teaser of a synopsis! And this one sounds really good! Great pick!

  25. Sounds interesting. Who doesn't love an enchanted piglet sidekick?

  26. Ooo I am so sold on this! I blame you for my new obsession :)


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