April 23, 2012

Top Ten All-Time Favorite Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and Bookish.

I decided against putting the whole Winnie-the-Pooh cast and stuck to relatively recent favorites. Here it goes:

1. Etienne St. Clair (Anna & the French Kiss)

2. Po & Katsa (Graceling) It's a tie here.

3. Taylor Markham (Jellicoe Road)

4. Dexter (This Lullaby)

5. Parker Fadley (Cracked Up to Be)

6. Cabel (Wake series)

7. Derek (Darkest Powers)

8. Cole (Wolves of Mercy Falls)

9. Han Alister/Cuffs/ Hunts Alone (Seven Realms)

10. Katniss Everdeen


  1. Ooh I really liked Cole too - especially in the 3rd book.

  2. Parker Fadley- she is a fantastic character! Dexter and Etienne- awesome picks.
    Great picks :)

  3. The Wake series that you mean - is that the new one from Amanda Hocking? If it is, I can't wait to read it even more now!

    Derek is also a fantastic character. I need to read the third book soon!

  4. I loved Po and Katsa so much too but ended up going with Fire from the second book!


  5. My Mom loves Po so much she keeps asking me why he wasn't in FIRE and if he's going to be in BITTERBLUE. I don't know Mom?! He is a great character!!

    I also love me some St Clair!

  6. Some good ones here :)
    New Follower

  7. Love Taylor from Jellicoe...and pretty much everyone else in that book! Etienne made my list as well.

  8. I love your list! I should have put all of them on my list! 10 choices just isn't enough. ;) I really love Cabel, Taylor, and Cole!

  9. Oooh St Clair made me weak at the knees! And I laughed at your Winnie the Pooh comment. Great choices :)

  10. Etienne St. Claire?! Le sigh... He is definitely a swoon worthy character. I love him too! Happy Tuesday!

  11. I am on the first book of the Wolves of Mercy Falls series and so far I don't think I've encountered Cole? I will have to continue reading to find him!

    My TTT: http://www.pocketfulofbooks.com/2012/04/top-ten-tuesday-favourite-characters-in.html

  12. St. Clair! He was a character with many layers. I enjoyed the chase of the romance in the book so much. I can totally understand why Anna was completely into him!

  13. I feel like I've never read anything XD BUT <3<3Etienne St. Clair <3<3 :)

  14. Katniss! I believe almost every blogger I came across has her in the list :p I can understand it, because she was such a brave girl in the first book.


  15. Ah!! Han Alister! He's definitely a favorite of mine. How did I not know that you are a fan of The Seven Realms?

  16. I'm trying so hard to not slap myself for forgetting Taylor Markham! I loved her character so much!

  17. And Dexter!! I don't know how I missed my love there lol

  18. oh bummer! I like Winnie-the-Pooh ;)

    Yay for Anna + Etienne and Katniss. Some of my favs too :)

    ~JJ iReads ~ Check out my Top Ten Picks This Week


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