May 28, 2011

In My Mailbox (91)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, inspired by Alea and explores the contents of our mailbox on a weekly basis.

For Review:
From ABC Family:
  • Nine Paths Game kit (with an iPad!!!) Read my post about the game HERE!


  1. I read and enjoyed both haunting violet and the revenant. Hope you enjoy too!

  2. Great books, Haunting Violet looks really good :)

  3. Hope you enjoy Haunting Violet, can't wait to get myself a copy :) Donna

  4. I like the the US cover of Haunting Violet, I hope you enjoy them

  5. Nine Paths sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. The show sounds great too. Haunting Violet sounds really interesting, and that cover is pretty. Happy Reading!

  6. I do love the US cover for Haunting Violet, l have the UK cover edition which is also gorgeous but l love the US a bit more!
    Happy reading.

  7. cool books, the cover of haunting violet is so cool^^
    enjoy them

  8. Haunting Violet sounds so great!

    iPad!!! That's so awesome! I really need to weasel myself into the ABC Family games! ;)

  9. Haunting Violet sounds brilliant!

    OMG. iPad? That is awesome! Nine Paths looks cool

  10. Am I super dorky for STILL be super excited that you scored an iPad? Cause I am (and may also be calling you a hooker under my breath)...... I KID I KID!!!

    Enjoy my dear!!!

  11. No way did you get an iPad. WOW!!!


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