What can fans expect when they attend a Smart Chicks Kick It event?
Melissa: At each event, fans will have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A with the authors and get their books signed by all of the Smart Chicks. We love to get our pictures taken with our fans – but since we might be sharing a few “spoilers” we don’t allow video. We don’t want our spoilering caught on tape!
Kelley: We’re looking forward to having fun and interacting with our fans. There will also be tons of give-aways, including one “mega swag basket” at each stop that features books from ALL 18 Smart Chicks, tote bags, audio books, bracelets and necklaces and lots of other cool stuff!
Can I still “follow” your tour if I’m not located near a city where you will be?
Melissa: Absolutely. We’ll be tweeting, Facbooking and blogging while on the road, sharing the good (the events), the bad (the grueling travel) and the ugly (a bunch of night owls trying to locate coffee before an early morning interview!).
Kelley: We’ll also be bringing a photographer along for the ride so we can visually chronicle this adventure and share our trip with our fans.
Are there plans for a Smart Chicks tour in 2011?
Melissa: Tentatively, Kelley and I are looking at a smaller 2.0 tour with a different line-up, bringing in a lot of non-paranormal YA writers and some of the paranormal YA writers who couldn’t make this tour. In my rather optimistic way, I’d love to do a few big “reunion” events with this line-up too. I haven’t exactly mentioned that to the authors on tour yet, though, so we’ll see where we end up on that topic.
Check out the Schedule HERE! - I will be at the Houston stop!
WOW!!! Coming through AZ! Excited!!!! I love that you posted it - I hope you don't mind but I would LOVE to re-post this to my blog....