July 3, 2010

In My Mailbox (47)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, inspired by Alea and explores the contents of our mailbox on a weekly basis.

Tyger Tyger: A Goblin Wars BookLeaving Paradise

For Review:
    • Jeri Smith Ready's Shade + other titles Swag! (Thanks again Amber! you rox!)


    1. YAY, Simone Elkeles! I've got to read that one by her. Always wanted to ever since I read Perfect Chemistry. :D
      Happy reading!

    2. Have fun! I've heard great things about Tyger Tyger!

    3. Pffft *dust shoulder* I know!

      I've never heard of Tyger Tyger - I'll have to look into that one. Let me know what you think of Leaving Paradise - I was so-so on it but I did develop a crush on Caleb...wait, I think that was his name lol

    4. It seems like everyone is getting Tyger Tyger. I am so jealous. Enjoy it!

    5. Very cool! I really want to read Leaving Paradise. I'm not much for contemporary, but it sounds good. :)

    6. Yeah! I got Tyger, Tyger, too! I hope we like it!

    7. Great books you got this week. Tyger Tyger is a really good book. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

    8. How cool does Tyger Tyger sound?! Goblins! I also loved Shade, and need to read Leaving Paradise. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!

    9. I absolutely adored leaving paradise such a beautifully written book. I've already pre-ordered the sequel return to paradise, I can't wait, it's been such a long time between books.

    10. awesome books! i need to read that series by elekles, since i love her! hope you enjoy them all! happy reading!

    11. I enjoyed Leaving Paradise and hope you do too! Happy Reading! Here’s mine

    12. I just read and reviewed Leaving paradise. I enjoyed it very much. If you do decide to review it I would love for you to link it on my review so I can come over to read and comment!=)

      I can not wait for Return to Paradise to be released!

      Happy reading!

    13. I am seeing a lot of mailboxes that got Tyger Tyger this week.

      Happy Reading!

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. Tyger, Tyger looks awesome! I can't wait to read it. Happy reading!!!

    16. Nice mailbox! From what I'm hearing those are suppose to be some great titles! Happy reading..


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