January 4, 2010

YA Releases

This is a weekly post to spotlight (some) YA books that will be releasing during this week. You may find all releases at Teens read too, here.

Tuesday, January 5

Wednesday, January 6
  • Island Sting by Bonnie J. Doerr (not pictured)

Thursday, January 7
Friday, January 8
  • Freaksville by Kitty Keswick (not pictured)

**All links take you to Amazon.com. Books without links are not yet available on the site.


  1. Looks great! I've got a copy of Captivate but I'm waiting to read it until I get Need. =)

  2. Nice books this week! Can't wait for The Secret Year :D

    By the way, congrats on 200 followers! :)

  3. there are so many good books this week! I was going to list my wishlists but its like 1/2 of them LOL.


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