December 8, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday (21)

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

The Lighter Side of Life and Death by C.K. Kelly Martin

Sixteen-year-old Mason Rice is having the night of his life. He's just delivered an incredible performance in the school play, basked in celebratory afterglow vibes at the party of the year, and lost his virginity to one of his best friends—the gorgeous but previously unobtainable Kat Medina. His dreams are coming true, and the future looks golden.

Unfortunately, Kat sees things very differently. Crossing the friendship line was a big mistake, and all she wants is to forget it and move on, even if that means forgetting Mason altogether. What's a guy to do? Well, if you're Mason, you hang your hopes on the first attractive twenty-three-year-old you cross paths with. At first Mason wonders if he's imagining the chemistry . . . until Colette invites him over to her apartment. Suddenly Mason's living in a whole new world.

Release Date: May 25, 2010

Goodreads / Amazon


  1. This one has a really unique plot! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds interesting, I hope you enjoy it.
    Have a great week :)

  3. Can't wait for this one either. Great pick!

  4. Ooh, intriguing. This sounds great!

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